Lyndhurst PPG - Aims & Objectives

The Constitution of Lyndhurst PPG:-

A  Steering Group will be formed of 10-12 patient representatives meeting every 3 months. Sally Woods will be the surgery member. FOLS members will be involved as appropriate and the PPG will work in unison with FOLS to achieve PPG aims. 

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General Terms of Reference:

  1. To work towards improving communications between the Surgery and patients.
  2. To represent patients’ views, support diversity and to work in partnership with the surgery to improve common understanding.
  3. Help patients take more responsibility for their health
  4. Contribute to improvements of services and quality of care.

Roles and Responsibilities: –

  1. The purpose of the PPG is to facilitate patients and practice staff working together to share ideas to help improve the services offered at the practice. In addition to informing patients of any ancillary services (say provided by local PCN and/or others) and local community services that would help enhance aspects of patients’ lives.
  2. PPG, with direct input from the surgery, may run specific events to improve patient ‘buy in’ to surgery services and facilities as required.
  3. PPG will open and enhance communication channels between PPG & the Surgery. The PPG will deal with communications based on Surgery initiatives and messages.
  4. The content of communications must be agreed in advance by the Surgery.
  5. The PPG will be responsible for amplifying Surgery message or initiatives via its own channels: Say Facebook & other social networks. PPG may set up and maintain its own distribution lists such as e-mail & text completely independent from any surgery data.
  6. Any specific individual complaints received will be referred direct to the surgery.

The PPG via the steering group will feed back any general comments received regarding both the effectiveness of the PPG and any suggestions that may be relevant to surgery operations.

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